Always on Your Toes? | Physio Flows
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Physio Flows Blog Article

Always on Your Toes?

Where Is Your Weight and Balance In Your Feet!

Published by Physio Flows LLC on 2023-08-13 19:38:32

Five year old girl in a cute pose standing in a red and white dress.

Always on Your Toes?

Do you think about your feet when you walk? How about when you dance? Flowarts? Spin? Climb stairs? While our bodies are very good at doing these activities without us thinking about it, it is actually important to be conscious of where the weight is in your feet.

While you are passively standing, your weight should be evenly distributed in your foot. That means both your toes AND your heels need to be on the ground. While you are walking this weight shifts from the back to the front. This shift is important, so make sure you are shifting that weight all the way through - striking in the heel, rolling that weight to the middle, then pushing off with the forefoot and toes.

Now, lets talk about dancing. The weight in your foot should actually be shifted forward more frequently, especially when turning. You will find that you have more control over your spins and turns if you are performing them while your weight is shifted into your forefoot and toes. Make sure you keep those toes on the ground! Your big toe is a huge component of your balance.

If you find your toes (especially that big one) flying up into the air, then your weight is shifted too far back. You will find it harder to move quickly, change directions and spin. So keep this in mind next time you are working on your turns!

If you find yourself with your weight shifted weirdly into your foot or those pesky toes flying, then come schedule a visit with Physio Flows. Getting that weight spread appropriately in your feet can make a huge difference with your performance, so let’s get you on your toes the correct way!

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